Migration Period
between Odra and Vistula

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Team members meeting in Nieborów, 2013

The Project Team members met at Nieborów on 15-16 April 2013 for their annual meeting. 
Day One opened with a presentation given by Anna Zapolska on the subject of the Project web page, its potential as a tool for cooperation of the Project Team members, collecting data, sharing pdf files, photographs and drafts of written contributions, etc. The Project Leader addressed the question of project work logistics and coordination, publication, also in “open access” form; Marcin Rudnicki talked about promotion, the need to develop a thesaurus, and benefits from reporting on the progress of the Project on social networking and academia.edu websites.
During the second half of that day’s proceedings Project Team members signed up for the implementation of specific tasks, within the following groups:
- fieldwork research and follow-up activities (archaeological and palaeobotanical),
- study of the archival sources (Polish, German and Russian) 
- analysis of source evidence on individual categories (grave-fields, settlements, hoards, other deposits)
- analysis and synthesis 
A detailed discussion was made of technical issues related to Project implementation. Professor M. Latałowa drew attention to the need for back up scenarios, especially in case of failure to take samples to develop the pollen profile at Suchań.
Day Two brought a number of individual background presentations designed to introduce the members of the interdisciplinary team to areas of study addressed by their colleagues:
M. Latałowa, M. Zimny, on Migration Period pollen diagrams from Poland – their potential and limitations in the context of the Project 
M. Mączyńska, on some issues related to the Migration Period in Poland 
A. Pędziszewska, J. Święta-Musznicka, M. Latałowa, on pollen diagrams from the Kashubian Lakeland as a source of evidence on settlement dynamics  and economy intensity during the first millennium AD.
J. Schuster, on the Migration Period west of the Odra River as documented by the newest findings
B. Kontny, M. Mączyńska, on a Migration Period grave from Juszkowo, in Gdańsk district
M. Wołoszyn, on Theophylact Simokatta and alleged Slav presence on the Baltic during the sixth century 
H. Machajewski, on the results of archaeological investigation of a settlement at Poznań-Nowe Miasto, site 46
Each of these presentations was followed by an in-depth discussion.