Dr hab. Marcin Wołoszyn

Instytut Archeologii
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Hoffmanowej 8
PL-35-016 Rzeszów
I am an archaeologist and historian (MA degrees from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, 1995 and 1997 respectively; PhD degree obtained from the same university for a dissertation on 10th-13th century Byzantine and Rus archaeological finds from southern Poland, tutor Prof. dr hab. M. Parczewski, defended in 2003).
I have a job position with the Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology and with the University of Rzeszów Institute of Archaeology. I also have an intensive cooperation with the Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe at the University of Leipzig (GWZO): in 2008-2010 as member of a project on medieval borders, in 2011-2013 as a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
I am author/co-author of some 80 or so scientific publications. For more than 10 years now I have been a member of the editorial office of Acta Archaeologica Carpathica (Krakow; at present as Second Deputy Editor); I am also a member of the scientific committee of The Journal of Archaeological Numismatics (Brussels).
My main interest is in the relations between Central Europe and Byzantine Empire/Kievan Rus, more particularly, in the area of the Polish-Rus borderland: at present I am directing a grant on Cherven Towns.
My other field of interest is Central Europe during Late Antiquity (Migration Period and early phase of the Middle Ages) more particularly, contacts between this part of Europe with the Mediterranean civilization as documented by coins finds and written sources, and also, the Avar-Slav connection.
In 2007 I organized a conference on Byzantine coins in Central Europe between the 5th-and the 10th century. The proceedings from this encounter were published in 2009 (M. Wołoszyn [ed.], Byzantine Coins in Central Europe between the 5th and 10th Century, Moravia Magna. Seria Polona 3, Krakow 2009). For this project in 2012 I was awarded Prix Duchalais by Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris).
Selected publications
M. Wołoszyn (red.), Byzantine Coins in Central Europe between the 5th and 10th Century, Moravia Magna. Seria Polona 3, Kraków 2009. (redakcja tomu).
Moneta bizantyńska na terenie Kaganatu Awarskiego – uwagi na marginesie pracy P. Somogyi’ego, Archeologia Polski, 44 (1999), s. 147–177.
Monety bizantyńskie z VI – VII w. z terenu Polski na tle środkowoeuropejskim, [w:] M. Parczewski, P. Kaczanowski (red.), Archeologia o początkach Słowian, Kraków 2005, s. 637–680.
Byzantine Coins from the 6th and the 7th Century Found in Poland and their East– Central European Context, Bulletin du Cercle d’Études Numismatiques, 43 (2006), s. 235 – 244 (wraz z M. Salamon).
Byzantine coins from the 6th and the 7th c. from Poland and their East– Central European context. Ways and phases, context and function, [w:] A. Bursche, R. Ciołek, R. Wolters (red.), Roman Coins outside the Empire. Ways and Phases. Context and Function (Proceedings of the ESF/SCH Exploratory Workshop), Collection Moneta 82, Wettern 2008, s. 195–224.
Vorwort des Herausgebers, [w:] M. Wołoszyn (red.), Byzantine Coins in Central Europe between the 5th and 10th Century, Moravia Magna. Seria Polona 3, Kraków 2009, s. 7–18.
Byzantinische Münzen aus dem 6.–7. Jh. in Polen, [w:] M. Wołoszyn (red.), Byzantine Coins in Central Europe between the 5th and 10th Century, Moravia Magna. Seria Polona 3, Kraków 2009, s. 473–529.
Byzantine Coins from the Area of Belarus, [w:] N. Holmes (red.), Proceedings of XIV International Numismatic Congress, Glasgov 2011, t. II, s. 1500-1508 (wraz z K. Lavysh).