Przemęczany, Proszowice district, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, the site of a chance discovery made in 1910 on the country estate when deepening the footings, of an inhumation. Identified at a depth of 2.5-2.9 m was a burial of a male, 1.8 m tall, resting supine, the head pointing north; the skull had been artificially deformed according to the nomad custom; no closer ostelogical analysis was made. Inventory (fig. 1.): 2 silver buckles with an oval, thickened frame; a gold earring of a form typical for the Hunnic →Huns environment; a narrow seax distinctive for the →Huns and Germanic peoples →Germanic Tribes under their influence; a hand-built pottery vessel; the attribution of another vessel discovered at a higher level is doubtful (the only items of the inventory now surviving - buckles and earring - are now in the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw. Chronology: phase D.
Literature: M. Wawrzeniecki, Grób szkieletowy z V-VIII wieku po Chrystusie we wsi Przemęczanach, "Materyały Antropologiczno-Archeologiczne i Etnograficzne" XII, 1912, p. 50-51, Fig. 7, Tab. XVIII; K. Godłowski, Das „Fürstengrab” des 5. Jhs. und der „Fürstensitz” in Jakuszowice in Südpolen, [in:]: F. Vallet, M. Kazanski (Ed.), La noblesse romaine et les chefs Barbares du IIIe au VIIe siécle, Paris 1995, p. 161-162, Fig. 12-13; B. Anke, Studien zur reiternomadischen Kultur des 4. bis 5. Jahrhunderts. Teil 1-2, Beitrage zur Ur- und Fruhgeschichte Mitteleuropas 8, Weissbach 1998, p. 106, Tab. 139:1-5.
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Fig. 1. Przemęczany - grave reconstruction and selected artefacts (Wawrzeniecki 1912).