Siedlików, Ostrzeszów district, Greater Poland Voivodeship (another name Siedlikowo, Germ. Althütte, Kr. Kempen), site of discovery of a hoard, subsequently lost during World War II, in the debris of a smelting furnace (?) comprising the following items (fig. 1.): 1. pottery vessels, some complete, others fragmented; 2. A silver crescent-shaped pendant, without ornament, 3-4. two nearly identical silver brooches, A. VI 2 group 62 of M. Schulze-Dörlamm, with a gilded sheet bow and foot; centrally on the bow, a wide groove, the upper and lower part of the bow decorated with transverse lines, on the foot, a stamped ornament in the form of two almond-shaped motifs and concentric rings, bounded by two lines; L. 9.2 and 8.7 cm; 5. A silver buckle frame, thickened form, W. 2.5 cm; 6. silver bar, 10.2 x 2 x 1 cm; 7. Originally «400 denarii», 25 of them determined: a Domitian, Sabina, Lucilla, Commodus, Crispina, a Pannonian imitation (?), two Marcus Aurelius, three each of Trajan, Antoninus Pius and Lucius Verus, four each of Hadrian and Faustina the Elder.
The deposit is dated by the brooches and the buckle. The brooches except for their straight foot are close to type Wiesbaden. The almond-shaped motif is noted on the Middle and Lower Danube in hoards type Coşoveni, and also in the Sösdala-Untersiebenbrunn horizon →Sösdala-Untersiebenbrunn Style. The buckle belongs to type H 26-28 of R. Madyda-Legutko. The deposit is dated to phase D2, which corresponds to the period 380/400-440/450.
Literature: J. Kostrzewski, Wielkopolska w czasach przedhistorycznych, Poznań 1923, fig. 200, p. 717-720; E. Petersen, Bekannte und unbekannte germanische Funde der frühen Völkerwanderungszeit aus dem Osten, Posener Jahrbuch für Vorgeschichte 1, 1944, p. 77-81, fig. 3; J. Kostrzewski, Wielkopolska w pradziejach, Wrocław 1955, p. 266, pl. 17:2; M. Schulze-Dörlamm, Die spätkaiserzeitlichen Armbrustfibeln mit festem Nadelhalter, Antiquitas 3, 19, Bonn 1977, p. 382-383, pl. 5,62; J. Werner, Zu einer elbgermanischen Fibel des 5. Jahrhunderts aus Gaukönigshofen, Ldkr. Würzburg, Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter 46, 1981, p. 249-240, pl. 13a; R. Madyda-Legutko, Die Gürtelschnallen der Römischen Kaiserzeit und der frühen Völkerwanderungszeit im mitteleuropäischen Barbaricum, BAR International Series 360, Oxford 1986, p. 67-68; A. Bursche, J. Kowalski (ed.), Barbarzyńskie Tsunami - Okres Wędrówek Ludów w dorzeczu Odry i Wisły, Warszawa-Szczecin 2017.
pełna rozdzielczość
Silver brooches, a buckle frame and a silver ingot from the hoard found at Siedlików (Wielkopolskie Voivodeship; phot. P. Silska)