Lancet-shaped strap-end
Lancet-shaped strap-end, usually made of bronze, a flat piece of metal fitted onto the end of a strap, attenuated, with facetted edges (fig. 1.). A form distinctive for the →Olsztyn Group and the →Elbląg Group of the West Balt culture →Balts environment during phases E2 and E3 of the late →Migration Period (second half of 6th-second half of 7th centuries AD). Noted both as elements of belt sets and horse harness fittings.
Literature: J. Kowalski, Chronologia grupy elbląskiej i olsztyńskiej kręgu zachodniobałtyjskiego (V-VII w.). Zarys problematyki, „Barbaricum”, vol. 6, Warszawa 2000, p. 148-275; A. Bitner-Wróblewska, Problem genezy grupy olsztyńskiej w świetle periodyzacji cmentarzysk w Tumianach i Kielarach, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Archaeologica, vol. 25, 2007, p. 69-92; B. Kontny, J. Okulicz-Kozaryn, M. Pietrzak, Nowinka, Site 1. The cemetery from the Late Migration Period in the northern Poland, Gdańsk-Warszawa 2011.
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Fig. 1. Two lancet-shaped strap-ends from grave 60 in the cemetery of the Elbląg Group at Nowinki, Elbląg distr. (B. Kontny, J. Okulicz-Kozaryn, M. Pietrzak 2011).